Using Presentation Mode in MultiShare

Presenation mode is great for training on new software or other applications. Attendees can all share their screens with the instructor, and the instructor can choose which screens to share with the whole class or just simly monitor the screens in private.

Video Tutorial

Once you have installed MultiShare to the call the Presentation Mode feature must be turned on.

  1. In the MultiShare side panel, click Settings.
  2. Turn on Presentation Mode. This will clear the stage view.
    • Any screens that were being shared will now be visible only to the organizer who enabled Presentation Mode.
  3. When a new screen is shared, it will only be shared with the organizer.
    • The organizer will have the ability to view any screen being shared.
  4. To add content to the stage view for everyone on the call, the organizer must choose a screen to spotlight, by clicking on the screen share tile, and selecting “Spotlight for Everyone.”
    • The Organizer can spotlight their own screen or a participants screen.
  5. At any time, the organizer can preview the participants screens and monitor them during the session.
  6. The organizer can end the screen sharing session for the entire call by hitting the “Stop Sharing” button in the upper left corner of the Teams call interface.

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