Spotlighting in MultiShare

What is spotlighting?

MultiShare’s Spotlight feature allows you to call attention to one shared screen in a meeting by temporarily changing everyone’s view to the screen of your choice. Participants will be able to navigate away from the spotlit screen as needed but can return to it at any time by selecting the thumbnail that has a star icon. There are no permission restrictions on spotlighting. Anyone participating in the meeting can use this feature.

How to use the spotlight feature

To access the spotlight feature, hover over the thumbnail of the screenshare and click on the three dot menu that appears. Select ‘Spotlight for everyone.’

You will notice a star appear on the spotlit screen, indicating that Spotlight is active. All meeting participants’ main screen views will immediately show the screen that you have selected for them to view.

To stop spotlighting a screen, hover over the thumbnail again, click the three dot menu, and select ‘stop spotlighting.’

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