Locked Tenant Installation Guide

This guide is designed for a Tenant Administrator. If you are not the Tenant Administrator, please share this guide with your Microsoft Teams Admin. If you are unsure of who that may be, reach out to us and we would be happy to help. Contact us here 📞

Below we'll go over how to unlock your tenant, how to install apps for you entire org, and how to pin apps to the app bar for your entire org.

If you're in a locked tenant and trying to access the Frameable product line, you'll see the apps with a "Request" button instead of an "Add" button.
Request app

How to Unlock your Tenant for your Entire Organization

Below we'll go through how to unlock your tenant and allow access to the Frameable products for you and your entire organization.

  1. Go to your Microsoft Teams admin center.
    Teams admin center

  2. Click on Teams apps.
    Teams app label

  3. Click Permission policies.
    permission policies label

  4. Click on Global (Org-wide default).
    Global org wide link

  5. Under "Third-party apps" use the drop-down menu and select "Allow specific apps and block all others."
    third party apps allow

  6. Next, click "Allow apps."
    allow apps

  7. From the right side panel, search for and select the app you wish to add and click "Allow."
    right side panel open

  8. To save your changes and confirm your new third-party apps, click Save.

  • To add additional apps, like MultiShare or Whiteboard, click "+Add apps" and repeat.
    Click save
  • Success message. It may take some time for the changes to update for your users.
    Success message

Install Apps for your Entire Org

Once you have allowed access to your selected third-party apps, we'll show you how to install the apps to your entire organization. This will ensure all your employees are ready to access and use the new app.

  1. Click on Setup policies.
    setup policies

  2. Click on Global (org-wide default).
    Global org-wide link

  3. Under Installed apps, click "Add apps."
    allow apps button

  4. From the right side panel, search for and select the app you want to install. Click Add.

  • To add more apps repeat this process.
    right side panel open
  1. When you're ready to save your changes, click Save, and in the confirmation modal, click Confirm.
    click save and confim
    success message

Pin Apps to your App Bar

Here we will be going over how to pin the new Frameable app to your orgs app bar in Teams. Doing this for your org will save time and allow all users to discover and use the app seamlessly.

  1. Click on Setup policies.
    setup policies

  2. Scroll down to the Pinned apps section.
    pinned apps section

  3. Click "+Add apps."
    add apps button

  4. From the right side panel, search for and add the apps you would like to pin for your org. Click Add at the bottom.
    right side panel open

  5. The newly added app will be placed at the bottom of the list. Click and drag into the new position.
    drag to reorder the app position

  6. Click Save and Confirm to finalize your changes.
    save and confirm

Back in Teams, your users will receive a notification like this and will see the new app and placement when they log in.
new view in teams

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View support articles: https://frameable.com/resources/
Email Customer Support: support@frameable.com
Call Customer Support: 646-710-1703