MultiShare in channel meetings

In order to use MultiShare in channel meetings, an admin for your organization's Microsoft tenant will need to grant permission. In most cases, you can already use MultiShare in other types of meetings, like scheduled meetings and group calls, but for meetings in channels, an admin will need to approve first.

Granting permission

In order to approve MultiShare for use in channel meetings, an admin can follow this link:${tenantId}/v2.0/adminconsent?client_id=${clientId}&scope=${redirectUri}

Channel meeting requirements

In order to use MultiShare (or any app at all) in a channel meeting, the meeting must either be a scheduled meeting (via the Teams calendar), or else it must be created in the channel ad-hoc, via Frameable Overview

Using MultiShare

Once an admin has approved MultiShare for use in channel meetings, you can add MultiShare to your meeting, and click "Start sharing" to begin. For more, see our MultiShare Resources listing.