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Contact Sharing

Sharing your email

When joining a Frameable Event, your email is automatically hidden from other users. If you make a great connection and would like to stay in touch with another guest, utilize our contact sharing feature.

  1. Navigate to the participant listing and click on the person you'd like to share your information with, or click on their video feed if you are currently chatting with them.
  2. After clicking on their video feed or opening their profile, select "Share my contact info". This will send an email to the person you have chosen to share your information with containing your email address and any information that you included in your user profile.
  3. If you logged in without an email, no email will be shared.
  4. If you would like someone else's information, ask them to share their contact information with you.

If you would like to share other information with other attendees to stay connected, be sure to write their information down or have them send you a chat message with information you can save for your records!