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How to Use Decision Trees to Navigate Complex Decisions

Navigating complex decisions can often feel overwhelming. Whether you’re a business leader, a project manager, or just someone facing a tough choice, having a structured approach can make a world of difference. Enter the decision tree—a powerful tool that simplifies the decision-making process, providing clarity and direction.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the concept of decision trees with an explanation of what a decision tree is, how decision trees work, and how they can be used to tackle complex problems effectively. Additionally, we’ll highlight the benefits of using Frameable Whiteboard for creating decision trees in an online whiteboard.

What is a Decision Tree?

A decision tree is a visual representation of decision-making processes. It is structured as a tree with nodes, represented by shapes holding decisions and outcomes, and branches, represented by lines, connecting the various options or consequences of those decisions. The tree starts with a single root node and branches out into multiple paths, each representing a potential outcome or decision pathway to create the full “tree”.

How to Approach a Complex Problem

Approaching a complex problem requires a systematic method to break down the issue into manageable parts. This is where decision trees come into play. By mapping out each potential decision and its possible outcomes, you can visualize the entire decision-making process, making it easier to identify the best course of action for your unique problem.

How do Decision Trees Work?

Decision trees work by breaking down a complex problem into a series of binary decisions, leading to a clear and concise solution path. Here’s how the process typically unfolds:

  1. Identify the Root Problem: Start with the primary question or problem at hand. This is your root node.
  2. Generate Possible Options: For each possible decision or action, create a branch. Each branch represents a different option or course of action.
  3. Evaluate Outcomes: For each option, determine the potential outcomes or consequences. These become the next set of nodes on your tree.
  4. Repeat as Necessary: Continue branching out until all potential outcomes are mapped. This may require multiple levels of decision-making.
  5. Analyze the Pathways: Examine each pathway to identify the most favorable outcome based on your criteria.

How Can a Complex Problem Be Solved by Using a Decision Tree?

A complex problem can be solved using a decision tree by systematically exploring all possible decisions and their outcomes. This structured approach ensures that no option is overlooked, and each potential pathway is considered. Decision trees also help in weighing the pros and cons of each decision, providing a clear visual comparison to aid you in making an informed choice.

For instance, consider a business deciding whether to launch a new product. The decision tree would start with the root question placed inside of a shape, “Should we launch the new product?” From there, lines lead to shapes that might represent different marketing strategies, production costs, and market responses. By evaluating each pathway, the business can identify the strategy that maximizes profit and minimizes risk.

Which Step Should Always Be Followed for Effective Problem-Solving?

For effective problem-solving, one crucial step that should always be followed is thorough analysis. This involves collecting and evaluating all relevant data, considering all possible options, and understanding the implications of each decision. Skipping this step can lead to incomplete decision trees and poor decision-making.

What is an Online Whiteboard?

An online whiteboard is a digital tool that allows users to collaborate in real time, sharing ideas and visualizing concepts on a virtual canvas. These platforms are particularly useful for remote, hybrid, or distributed teams, offering a space to brainstorm, plan, and organize information from anywhere.

Using Frameable Whiteboard to Make Decision Trees

Frameable Whiteboard is an innovative online whiteboard solution designed for collaborative brainstorming and structured thinking. It offers a range of templates, including a ready-made decision tree template, which simplifies the process of creating decision trees.

Benefits of Using Frameable Whiteboard

  1. Real-Time Collaboration: Frameable Whiteboard allows team members to work together in real time, regardless of their physical location. This enhances the decision-making process by incorporating diverse perspectives and expertise from a larger team because you’re not tied to being in one location.
  2. Ease of Use: The intuitive interface and ready-made templates make it easy to create decision trees without extensive training or experience. Find plenty of quick video tutorials to get started.
  3. Structured Thinking: The app supports structured thinking by providing features like nested cards, a variety of shapes and line connectors, as well as templates, that guide users through the decision-making process.
  4. Scalability: Frameable Whiteboard is scalable, accommodating teams of all sizes and adapting to various organizational needs whether you’re a small team or an enterprise.

Ready-Made Decision Tree Template

Frameable Whiteboard’s ready-made decision tree template is a game-changer for anyone looking to streamline their decision-making process. This template provides a pre-structured format that guides users through the steps of creating a decision tree, ensuring that all critical elements are included.

Key Features of the Decision Tree Template:

  • Pre-Defined Shapes, Stickies, and Lines: The template comes with pre-defined shapes, stickies, and lines, making it easy to start building your decision tree right away.
  • Customizable Options: Users can customize the template to fit their specific needs, adding or removing shapes, stickies, and lines as necessary.
  • Visual Clarity: The template is designed for visual clarity with colors and labels, helping users to easily understand and follow the decision-making process.

Simplify Complex Decisions

Using decision trees to navigate complex decisions is a powerful strategy that can lead to more informed and effective outcomes. By breaking down problems into manageable parts and exploring all possible options, decision trees provide a clear and structured approach to decision-making.

Leveraging tools like Frameable Whiteboard further enhances this process by offering collaborative features and ready-made templates that simplify the creation of decision trees. Whether you’re tackling business challenges or project planning, decision trees and Frameable Whiteboard can be invaluable assets in your decision-making toolkit.

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How to Make a Concept Map

Concept mapping is an invaluable tool for structured thinking and visual organization. Whether you’re a student, educator, business professional, or anyone in between, understanding how to make a concept map can significantly enhance your problem-solving skills [Link to pillar post] and strategies. Here we’ll dive into the intricacies of creating a concept map, with a particular focus on utilizing Frameable Whiteboard, an online whiteboard tool offering a variety of professionally designed templates to make the process seamless and efficient.

Understanding Concept Maps

Before diving into the creation process, let’s define a concept map. A concept map is a graphical tool for organizing and representing knowledge. It includes concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes, and relationships between these concepts are indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts. Words on the line, referred to as linking words or phrases, specify the relationship between the two concepts.

Concept maps are rooted in the theory of meaningful learning developed by David Ausubel, which emphasizes the importance of prior knowledge in learning new information. By visually organizing and structuring this knowledge, concept maps facilitate deeper understanding and knowledge retention.

Benefits of Using Concept Maps

Enhanced problem-solving 

Concept maps are powerful tools for problem-solving. They allow you to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts, visually outline the relationships between different components, and identify potential solutions. This structured visual thinking aids in a systematic approach to problem-solving.

Effective problem-solving strategies

By visually organizing information, concept maps help in developing effective problem-solving strategies. You can clearly see the connections and relationships between different elements, which can lead to innovative solutions and strategies that might not be immediately apparent through linear thinking.

Improved structured thinking

Concept maps promote structured thinking by forcing you to organize your thoughts logically and hierarchically. This structured approach is beneficial in various scenarios, from academic research to business planning, as it helps in creating a clear and concise representation of complex information.

Steps to Create a Concept Map

1. Identify the main idea

The first step in creating a concept map is to identify the main idea. This is the central question or problem you want to address with your concept map. The focus question helps to maintain the scope and relevance of your concept map.

2. List relevant concepts

Once you have your focus question, list all relevant concepts (related categories) that relate to this question. These concepts will form the nodes of your concept map. Think broadly and inclusively at this stage to ensure you capture all pertinent information.

3. Organize concepts hierarchically

Organize the listed concepts hierarchically, starting with the most general and inclusive concepts at the top and moving to more specific and detailed concepts at the bottom. This hierarchical structure helps in understanding the relative importance and relationships between concepts.

4. Connect concepts with supporting ideas and factors

Connect the concepts using lines and supporting ideas and factors. Supporting ideas and factors describe the relationship between the connected concepts. This step is crucial as it transforms a simple list of concepts into a meaningful and structured representation of knowledge.

5. Review and refine

Review and refine your concept map. Check for clarity, coherence, and completeness. Make sure that all important relationships are represented and that the linking words accurately describe these relationships.

How to Make a Concept Map Online

Creating a concept map online can be significantly easier and more efficient than doing it on paper. Online tools offer various features that facilitate the creation, sharing, and editing of concept maps, no matter your location. One of the top online whiteboards is Frameable Whiteboard.

What is an Online Whiteboard?

An online whiteboard is a digital platform that allows users to create, share, and collaborate on visual content in real-time. It offers a flexible and interactive space for brainstorming, planning, and organizing ideas visually. Online whiteboards are particularly useful for distributed teams and individuals who need to collaborate without physically being together.

Tools to Make Concept Maps

Several online tools like Miro and Mural can help you create concept maps, but Frameable Whiteboard stands out due to its user-friendly interface, nested cards for structured thinking, affordable price, and real-time collaboration features.

Creating a Concept Map with Frameable Whiteboard

Concept map template in Frameable Whiteboard.

Frameable Whiteboard offers a variety of professionally designed templates, including concept map templates, making it easy to get started. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a concept map using Frameable Whiteboard:

1. Sign up and log in

First, sign up for a free account on Frameable Whiteboard. Once you’ve logged in, you can access the wide range of templates and tools available on the platform.

2. Choose the concept map template

Navigate to the recommended templates section at the top of the page and select Show All. A pop-up will show all the templates available for you to scroll and find the concept map template. Once you click the use template button, a new whiteboard with the concept map will open. You’ll find instructions on how to use the concept map template so that you can get started immediately.

3. Customize your concept map

Start customizing the template by adding your main idea, concepts, or related categories, and supporting ideas. Frameable Whiteboard’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to add, move, and connect elements on your concept map.

4. Collaborate in real-time

One of the standout features of Frameable Whiteboard is its real-time collaboration capability. Invite team members to join your whiteboard, where they can contribute ideas, make edits, and provide feedback instantly. This feature is particularly beneficial for collaborative problem-solving, brainstorming sessions, and even task management.

5. Review and finalize

Once you’ve completed your concept map, review it for clarity and completeness. Frameable Whiteboard allows you to easily make adjustments and refinements, ensuring your final concept map is comprehensive and well-organized.

6. Share and export

After finalizing your concept map, you can share it with others by providing a link or exporting it in various formats (PDF, PNG, etc.). This flexibility makes it easy to incorporate your concept map into presentations, reports, or other documents.

Practical Applications of Concept Maps


Concept maps are widely used in education to help students understand complex subjects and organize information logically. They can be used for note-taking, studying, and project planning, making learning more interactive and engaging.

Strategic Planning

In the business, concept maps are invaluable for strategic planning. They allow teams to visualize goals, strategies, and tasks, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards common objectives. By mapping out the relationships between different strategic initiatives, concept maps help identify synergies, potential conflicts, and gaps in the overall strategy. This structured visual thinking approach ensures a more coherent and integrated strategic plan.

Project management

Concept maps can significantly enhance project management by providing a clear visual representation of the project’s scope, tasks, and timelines. They help project managers and teams break down the project into smaller, manageable parts, identify dependencies, and ensure all aspects are covered. Using a concept map template from Frameable Whiteboard, project teams can collaboratively plan, monitor, and adjust their projects in real-time, leading to more efficient and successful project execution.


Researchers use concept maps to organize literature reviews, design experiments, and present findings. The visual representation of information helps in identifying gaps, connections, and new research directions.

Unlock the power of concept maps

Concept maps are powerful tools for enhancing problem-solving skills, developing effective problem-solving strategies, and promoting structured thinking. By visually organizing information, they help in understanding complex subjects and identifying relationships between different elements.

Creating a concept map online with tools like Frameable Whiteboard makes the process even more efficient and collaborative. With its user-friendly interface built for structured thinking and real-time collaboration features, Frameable Whiteboard is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their structured visual thinking [Link to pillar page] and problem-solving capabilities.

Start exploring the world of concept maps today and unlock your full potential. Sign up for Frameable Whiteboard for free and experience the ease and efficiency of creating concept maps online with its ready-to-use template.

By leveraging the power of concept maps and the capabilities of Frameable Whiteboard, you can enhance your problem-solving skills, develop effective strategies, and achieve your goals with greater ease and efficiency.

Level-up your structured thinking with Frameable Whiteboard

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productivity remote work Whiteboard

How to Use Online Whiteboards for Effective Problem-Solving

Effective problem-solving is at the heart of innovation and success, especially for agile teams. Teams need to quickly identify issues, brainstorm solutions, implement strategies efficiently, and adopt technology tools to help. Online whiteboards are a popular tool for distributed teams and have revolutionized the way we approach these challenges, helping teams collaborate visually and structure their thoughts in real-time, no matter where they are. Below, we explore how to harness the power of online whiteboards for problem-solving, dive into various problem-solving strategies, and introduce Frameable Whiteboard as a top-tier tool designed for structured thinking.

The Power of Online Whiteboards in Problem-Solving

What is an Online Whiteboard?

An online whiteboard is a digital tool that mimics the functionality of a physical whiteboard but with enhanced features such as real-time collaboration, drawing and annotation tools, and more. These features allow users to brainstorm, organize ideas, and develop solutions in a virtual canvas accessible from anywhere.

Why Use Online Whiteboards?

Online whiteboards bring several advantages to the table, especially when it comes to problem-solving:

  • Collaboration: Teams can work together in real-time, regardless of their geographical location.
  • Visualization: Concepts and ideas can be illustrated with diagrams, mind maps, and other visual aids.
  • Organization: Notes, images, and other resources can be organized on an infinite canvas, making it easier to see the big picture.
  • Accessibility: All changes are saved in the cloud, ensuring that the latest version is always available to all team members.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills with Online Whiteboards

Structured Visual Thinking

Effective problem-solving often requires structured visual thinking, which involves organizing and processing information visually to enhance understanding and communication. Online whiteboards excel in facilitating this by offering various templates and tools that help structure thoughts and ideas clearly and logically.

Problem-Solving Strategies

Here are some key problem-solving strategies that can be enhanced through the use of online whiteboards:

  1. Brainstorming: This initial stage involves generating as many ideas as possible. Online whiteboards provide a collaborative platform where all team members can contribute ideas simultaneously on a blank canvas.
  2. Mind Mapping: This technique helps in organizing thoughts and ideas around a central concept. By creating a mind map on an online whiteboard, teams can visually explore and connect different aspects of a problem.
  3. SWOT Analysis: This strategy involves analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a problem. Online whiteboards can be used to create a structured SWOT analysis chart, to help you identify and comprehensively assess various factors affecting the problem at hand.

Approaching Complex Problems with Online Whiteboards

When it comes to complex problem-solving, structured thinking is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to approach a complex problem using an online whiteboard as a canvas for organizing your thoughts:

  1. Define the Problem: Clearly articulate the problem statement. This step should always be followed for effective problem-solving.
  2. Gather Information: Collect relevant data and insights and add this information to your online whiteboard so everything you need is organized in one place.
  3. Identify Possible Solutions: Brainstorm potential solutions and create a mind map to explore different ideas. If you’ve never created a mind map, there are plenty of mind map templates to help you get started.
  4. Evaluate Solutions: Use online whiteboards to create SWOT analysis or decision trees to evaluate the pros and cons of each solution.
  5. Implement the Solution: Develop an action plan in an online whiteboard and assign tasks to teammates using the whiteboard’s collaborative features such as tags and comments.
  6. Monitor and Review: Track progress and make necessary adjustments. Online whiteboards allow for unlimited updates and revisions.

Frameable Whiteboard: Built for Structured Thinking

Frameable Whiteboard is a premier online whiteboard designed specifically for structured thinking and problem-solving. It offers a suite of features tailored to facilitate complex and effective problem-solving strategies:

Nested Cards: Frameable Whiteboard allows users to create nested cards, which are perfect for breaking down complex problems into manageable parts. This feature supports structured visual thinking by helping users organize information hierarchically.

Templates for Structured Thinking: Frameable Whiteboard provides a variety of templates, including Business Model Canvas, SWOT Analysis, Concept Map, Mind Map, and Decision Tree. These templates are designed to guide users through structured problem-solving processes.

Real-Time Collaboration: Teams can collaborate in real-time, making it easy to brainstorm ideas, develop strategies, and track progress together, regardless of location.

Tips for Maximizing the Use of Online Whiteboards

Establish Clear Objectives

Before diving into a brainstorming or problem-solving session, establish clear objectives. Knowing what you aim to achieve keeps the team focused and ensures that the session is productive. Use the online whiteboard to list these objectives visibly so everyone stays aligned and on-task.

Encourage Participation

To harness the full potential of your team’s creativity and problem-solving skills, encourage participation from all members. Online whiteboards allow for real-time contributions, so ensure that everyone has the opportunity to share their ideas with time-boxed opportunities to do so in these sessions. This inclusive approach can uncover insights that might otherwise be missed.

Utilize Templates

Frameable Whiteboard offers a variety of templates designed for structured thinking. Take advantage of these templates to streamline your problem-solving process. Whether it’s a SWOT analysis or a mind map, these tools provide a structured format that can help organize and visualize your thoughts.

Break Down Problems

Complex problems can often feel overwhelming. Use nested cards on Frameable Whiteboard to break down these problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This hierarchical organization makes it easier to tackle each aspect of the problem methodically and completely.

Track Progress

An effective problem-solving process doesn’t end once a solution is implemented. Continuously track progress and make adjustments as needed. Online whiteboards allow you to update your plans in real time, ensuring that your team stays on track and any new issues are promptly addressed.

Leverage Visual Aids

Visual aids such as arrows and shapes can significantly enhance understanding and communication. Use these features on your online whiteboard to illustrate complex relationships and ideas, making it easier for the team to grasp and analyze information.

Transform Your Problem-Solving Approach

Online whiteboards are powerful tools for enhancing problem-solving skills and strategies. By facilitating structured visual thinking and real-time collaboration, they enable teams to tackle complex problems effectively. Frameable Whiteboard, with its suite of features designed for structured thinking, stands out as an ideal solution for teams looking to enhance their problem-solving processes.

Ready to elevate your problem-solving skills? Get started with Frameable Whiteboard for free and experience the power of structured visual thinking in action. Visit Frameable Whiteboard to sign up and begin your journey towards more effective problem-solving today! 

Problem solving made easy with structured-thinking practices

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5 Best Online Whiteboards for Better Virtual Collaboration

A version of this blog originally appeared on our LinkedIn.

Whether you’re part of a remote, hybrid, or distributed team brainstorming ideas, a designer collaborating on a visual project, or an educator conducting a virtual class, an online whiteboard can be a game-changer. These digital tools bring the best parts of in-person collaboration into the virtual space, making it easy to visualize ideas, organize projects, and work together seamlessly, no matter where you are. Here we explore the top five online whiteboards for enhanced virtual collaboration, each designed to meet diverse user needs and use cases.

1. Best Whiteboard for Project Management: Miro

Miro is a powerhouse in online whiteboards, currently ranking as a Leader in the G2 Grid Report for Collaborative Whiteboards. It is renowned for its versatility and comprehensive feature set, making it ideal for project managers.

  • Collaboration: Miro boasts a wide array of real-time collaboration with features like sticky notes, mind maps, wireframes, and Kanban boards, which are perfect for agile project management.
  • Templates: It offers a wide variety of templates to kickstart your projects, from sprint planning to retrospective boards. Explore hundreds of other community-made templates and even submit your own to the Miro-verse.
  • Integrations: Miro integrates seamlessly with widely used project management tech tools like Asana, Trello, Slack, and Jira, making task tracking and status updates easy.
  • User-Friendly: Its intuitive interface ensures that team members can quickly adapt and start collaborating without a steep learning curve.

2. Best Whiteboard for Design: FigJam

FigJam, a product of Figma, is designed with visual projects in mind, making it the top choice for graphic designers.

  • Visual Collaboration: With an infinite canvas and high-resolution image support, FigJam allows designers to share detailed visuals and feedback.
  • Feedback and Annotations: Designers can give and receive visual feedback through comments, annotations, and even voice recordings, facilitating clear communication, quick iterations, and streamlined review processes.
  • Integration: Since FigJam was developed by Figma, it integrates effortlessly with Figma’s design tools. Designers can easily switch between designing in Figma and brainstorming or planning in FigJam.
  • Templates and Widgets: FigJam offers various templates and widgets designed for design-related activities, such as wireframes, user journey maps, and personas. These resources help designers quickly set up their boards and focus on the creative process.

3. Best Free Online Whiteboard: Google Jamboard

Google Jamboard is the top pick for those seeking a robust, cost-effective solution.

  • Integration with Google Workspace: Jamboard is deeply integrated with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), allowing quick access and collaboration with other Google apps like Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: It supports simultaneous editing and sharing, making it perfect for remote brainstorming sessions.
  • Free to Use: As part of Google Workspace for Education and Google Workspace Essentials, Jamboard is free to use, making it accessible for educational institutions, businesses, and individuals without additional costs.
  • Cloud Storage and Auto-Save: All Jamboard sessions are automatically saved to Google Drive, ensuring that users’ work is securely stored in the cloud and can be easily accessed and shared later.

4. Best Whiteboard for Structured Thinking: Frameable Whiteboard

Frameable Whiteboard, recently ranked as a Niche player on the G2 Grid Report, stands out for its ability to facilitate structured thinking and complex problem-solving, making it ideal for operations teams needing to break down intricate projects and process mapping.

  • Nested Cards: Frameable allows users to nest cards within each other, enabling a detailed and organized representation of complex ideas.
  • Templates: Frameable’s Whiteboard comes with a variety of professionally built templates, including SWOT analysis, mind maps, and business model canvases, to get you started on all types of individual or team whiteboarding activities.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Teams can work together in real-time, with features like in-call sharing, comments, and reactions enhancing the collaborative experience.
  • Microsoft Teams Integration: Its seamless integration with Microsoft Teams makes it a natural choice for organizations already using this platform for communication whether inside or outside of a video call.
  • Free to Use: Frameable also offers a free basic version of its Whiteboard allowing users to get started with their bright ideas without any commitments.

5. Best Whiteboard for Training: Lucidspark

Lucidspark is an excellent choice for those looking for tools to support virtual training with features that cater specifically to facilitators and trainees.

  • Real-Time Collaboration: It supports real-time editing and commenting, making it easy for facilitators and trainees to collaborate simultaneously and see each other’s contributions.
  • Breakout Boards: Lucidspark allows teams to split into smaller groups within the same session, facilitating focused brainstorming and discussions before bringing ideas back to the main board.
  • Voting and Dot Voting: Includes built-in voting tools that help teams prioritize ideas and make decisions collaboratively in brainstorming sessions and workshops.
  • Facilitator Mode: Designed for meeting facilitators, this mode allows the leader to guide the session, manage the flow of activities, and keep the team focused. Facilitators can highlight areas, start timers, and manage participant permissions.

Next Steps

Choosing the right online whiteboard can significantly enhance your team’s productivity and collaboration. Whether you’re a project manager, graphic designer, or educator, there’s a virtual whiteboard tailored to your specific needs. Miro offers unparalleled versatility for project management, FigJam excels in visual collaboration for designers, Google Jamboard provides a great free solution, Frameable Whiteboard enhances structured thinking and real-time collaboration, and Lucidspark serves as an interactive tool for training purposes. Remember to consider your team’s current and future needs when selecting new tools, and further explore these options to find the perfect fit for your team’s collaborative efforts.

Get started with Frameable Whiteboard for free today!

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Hybrid work remote work Virtual Training

5 Essential Tools You Need For Effective Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Online learning isn’t just an alternative option to face-to-face training—it’s become the backbone of employee training and development. With remote, hybrid, and distributed work models cemented into many organizations, there is an increasing demand for powerful virtual training tools that can provide just as high of a return on your investment as in-person training. Dive into this exploration of five essential tools that promise to transform your Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) sessions, maximizing engagement, productivity, and impact.

1. Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards are indispensable for VILT, enabling instructors to present ideas and concepts visually and interactively. Tools like Miro or Whiteboard by Frameable allow participants to contribute in real-time, fostering a collaborative space where ideas can flourish and group thinking can affect productive learning. Whether mapping out timelines, drawing diagrams, or brainstorming with sticky notes, these whiteboards make virtual training sessions more tactile and engaging, helping participants feel connected despite the physical distance.

2. Polling and Quiz Tools

To keep participants active and engaged, incorporating interactive elements like polls and quizzes is an easy and quick solution to shake up any lesson. Tools like Kahoot! and Poll Everywhere facilitate real-time interaction, providing instant feedback to trainers and learners alike. These tools are fantastic for breaking up longer sessions, assessing knowledge retention, and encouraging participation, making learning both interactive and effective.

3. Digital Breakout Rooms

Platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams all offer digital breakout rooms, a crucial feature for successful VILT. These rooms allow participants to work in smaller groups on exercises or discussions, allowing training to function as it does in a classroom setting. Breakout rooms are perfect for small group discussions, working sessions, and teamwork exercises, helping to break the monotony of longer training sessions and ensuring that every participant can contribute meaningfully. For the most effective breakout sessions, try Overview by Frameable, which offers a single view of all concurrent training sessions in real time. It allows trainees to join the right sessions at the right time. It even allows trainers to easily host office hours so that any questions get answered promptly as they come up.

4. Multiple Screen Sharing

If your organization uses Microsoft Teams (and a whopping one million organizations do), you may have noticed the limitation in sharing multiple screens simultaneously during video conferencing. Yet, the ability to share multiple screens simultaneously is essential for effective collaborative training sessions. MultiShare by Frameable allows participants to share multiple screens in a Microsoft Teams call. Multishare is a tool that enables instructors to monitor the learning process effectively. With the capability to view all trainees’ screens simultaneously, instructors can effortlessly track progress and quickly identify areas where trainees may be facing challenges. This real-time oversight allows for immediate intervention and support, ensuring that no one falls behind during the session.

5. Asynchronous Learning Platforms

Not everyone learns at the same pace, and sometimes it’s impossible to coordinate a training time with a dispersed, global team. Having on-demand or recorded training sessions allows trainees to refresh and absorb all of the content at a pace that works best for them. Asynchronous tools such as Loom or complement live training sessions by allowing participants to access pre-recorded videos, readings, and exercises at their convenience. These platforms empower trainees to review content at their own pace, which is particularly beneficial for reinforcing learning or accommodating different time zones.

Integration and Implementation:

Implementing new tools often causes a lot of complications and looping in internal technology teams to help with accessing your organization’s infrastructure. It’s essential to both identify the tools that work best for your training sessions and also integrate them with existing systems. To make it easy on trainers and organizations, consider solutions that are already available inside of the tools your organization uses, or explore add-ons that enhance existing functionality. Using familiar tools means your teams won’t have to spend more time getting acquainted with a new system before they can start learning.

The Future of VILT in Microsoft Teams

Virtual instructor-led training doesn’t have to be a second-best alternative to face-to-face interactions. With the right tools, VILT can be just as engaging, interactive, and effective in Microsoft Teams. Ready to transform your virtual training sessions in Microsoft Teams? Discover how Frameable can elevate your VILT experience. Whether you’re looking to foster better visibility, encourage spontaneous collaboration, or simply make your training sessions more engaging, Frameable has you covered for virtual training.

Try Frameable for virtual training

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Microsoft Teams remote work Virtual Training

5 Tips for Successful Virtual Instructor-led Training with Microsoft Teams

Remote work and learning have become the new norm with 90% of companies offering some form of digital learning for their employees. Early adopters like IBM reported that employees learned 5 times more content by incorporating virtual training sessions into their programs. As a result, creating an effective virtual instructor-led training (VILT) program has become crucial across industries. With Microsoft Teams being the most common platform for delivering virtual training, making sure you leverage all of its capabilities effectively can mean the difference between an average training lesson and one that is most effective. Here, we outline five essential tips for leveraging Microsoft Teams to conduct successful VILT sessions, ensuring that your training leads to effective learning outcomes and more productive workers.

Understanding the Importance of Engaging VILT

Along with the shift to remote work, there has been a growing body of research supporting the effectiveness of well-designed virtual training programs. For instance, a study by the IBM Smarter Workforce Institute found that participants in virtual classrooms outperform traditional face-to-face learners in knowledge retention and application when the training is engaging and interactive. Engaging VILT sessions not only facilitate better learning outcomes but also contributes to higher job satisfaction and productivity among employees.

Leveraging Microsoft Teams for VILT

Microsoft Teams offers a rich set of features that can be leveraged to create interactive and engaging VILT sessions. Here are some tips for corporate trainers to make the most of Microsoft Teams:

1. Maximize Engagement with Interactive Tools

Engagement is the lifeblood of effective learning. Microsoft Teams offers a plethora of interactive tools like polls, quizzes, and surveys through integrated apps such as Microsoft Forms. Trainers can make the learning process active and participatory by using these tools in VILT sessions. For example, interactive polls can be used to gauge learners’ opinions or knowledge on a subject at the beginning of a session, setting the stage for a tailored learning experience. These interactive tools not only break the monotony of traditional lecture-based learning but also encourage trainees to think critically and engage more deeply with the content. 

2. Utilize Breakout Rooms for Personalized Learning Experiences

Breakout rooms in Microsoft Teams allow trainers to divide participants into smaller groups for discussions, workshops, or role-playing exercises. This personalized approach not only enhances learning by allowing for more in-depth exploration of topics but also encourages collaboration among participants. Research from the Harvard Business Review supports the idea that small group learning leads to a 55% improvement in learning application over traditional lecture-based training.

3. Incorporate a Mix of Media and Content Types

Diversifying the types of content used in training sessions can cater to different learning styles and keep participants engaged. Incorporate videos, infographics, and interactive content like digital whiteboards to help boost retention rates. This approach is not merely a nod to the variety in learning styles but a powerful method to ensure that all participants remain engaged and can absorb information in ways that suit them best. 

4. Leverage the Power of Asynchronous Learning

Not all learning needs to happen in real-time. Microsoft Teams allows for the creation of dedicated channels for ongoing discussions, resource sharing, and asynchronous learning activities. Trainers can even record the training sessions and offer them on-demand. This approach not only accommodates different time zones and schedules but also encourages continuous learning beyond the confines of scheduled training sessions.

5. Provide Immediate Feedback and Support

Feedback plays an integral role in the learning process. In the context of VILT, leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Teams to provide real-time feedback and support becomes a game-changer. The platform’s instant messaging and meeting features facilitate a direct and immediate line of communication between trainers and trainees, enabling a dynamic exchange of feedback that can significantly enhance the learning experience.

The immediacy of response serves various purposes during training sessions. Firstly, it enables trainers to keep track of the progress and level of comprehension of trainees. Secondly, it facilitates the prompt correction of any misunderstandings or misconceptions, ensuring that trainees are on the right track. Moreover, real-time feedback creates a supportive and interactive learning environment where trainees can gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Solutions to Uplevel Microsoft Teams for VILT

While Microsoft Teams provides a solid foundation for VILT, exploring advanced platforms like Frameable Core can take your training programs to the next level. Frameable offers tailored solutions that enhance VILT engagement, interactivity, and the overall learning experience. Features like multiple simultaneous screen shares and digital whiteboards allow trainers and trainees to experience highly collaborative sessions. With its intuitive design and specialized features for virtual learning, Frameable addresses the nuanced needs of modern corporate training programs.

Explore Frameable for Effective Virtual Instructor-led Training Solutions

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, delivering engaging and effective virtual instructor-led training is more important than ever. By leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Teams and embracing innovative platforms like Frameable, you can ensure that your training programs are not just educational but truly transformative. Engaging VILT sessions are the key to unlocking effective learning outcomes and fostering more productive, knowledgeable workers.

Dive deeper into how Frameable can revolutionize your virtual training programs and embrace the future of corporate training today with engaging virtual learning experiences.

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Future of work remote work Research

Do You Have the Right Technology and Tools to Support Hybrid and Remote Work?

Thanks to workplace technologies, distributed work arrangements have existed for decades in large enterprises. Given the massive push toward remote and hybrid work in recent years, companies of all sizes can now also benefit from these arrangements.

The Conference Board reports that just 4% of CEOs worldwide will prioritize returning to the office in 2024, reinforcing the demand for flexible work arrangements. The key now is for organizations to sift through an ever-evolving landscape of tools and technologies that each promises to be the cure-all for the potential hurdles of remote and hybrid work.

To understand the current state of hybrid and remote work —and uncover which tools are actually worth the investment —we conducted our inaugural Remote/Hybrid/Distributed Work Index by surveying hundreds of workers in the U.S.

The findings provide clear insights into which technologies are most effective for enabling team engagement and innovation. Let’s dig into a few highlights. 

Technologies that Power Remote Collaboration

Our research reinforced that workers at hybrid and fully remote companies overwhelmingly feel more engaged and innovative compared to working in a full-time office setting.

When we looked at how these employees ranked the most effective workplace tools, there were several clear distinctions between which tools enable engagement and which foster innovation. 

Remote Work Tools for Engaged Employees

Our research found that 39.8% of distributed workers agree, and 26.4% strongly agree, that they are more engaged in a remote and hybrid setting. Only 12.3% disagreed —and those workers may benefit from new or improved tooling.

We asked these engaged employees about the specific tools they think are most effective for powering their distributed workplace. The following are a few of their clear favorites:

  • Workplace management suites: Microsoft Office was the top-ranked tool by engaged employees, with Google Drive following closely. Complementary tools, including Gmail, Microsoft Teams, and Outlook email also ranked highly. These rankings reinforce the need for remote and hybrid teams to access, store, and share documents in a centralized place.
  • Video conferencing tools: Given the need for more personalized collaboration, it’s no surprise that Zoom is a top favorite, followed by Microsoft Teams and Skype. Regardless of which video conferencing tool your team uses, ensure that you create guidelines around its use to reinforce how team members can collaborate effectively. 
  • Workplace messaging tools: Microsoft Teams was our research’s highest-ranked instant messaging and collaboration tool. Slack and Discord, however, ranked as the bottom two tools for engaged workers. These rankings could suggest that companies need to encourage engagement on messaging tools more consciously, or that it’s time to transition away from Slack to Teams
Frameable 2024

Remote Work Tools to Inspire Innovation

As another lens to examine the best workplace tools for remote and hybrid teams, we asked employees whether they feel they are part of a culture of innovation. From the 58.8% of respondents who agreed or strongly agreed, we asked which workplace tools they found to be most effective.

Notably, the tools achieved a more level baseline than when ranked by workers in engaging cultures. Previously low-ranking tools like Slack and Discord appeared much closer to the middle of the pack than before, with a smaller difference between the top- and bottom-ranked tools. 

  • Workplace management suites: Microsoft Office was again the top choice from our research, followed by Google Drive.
  • Video conferencing tools: Zoom was again a top favorite, with Skype following closely. This data reinforces that video conferencing tools are essential in inspiring innovation, which could be amplified by features that support healthy brainstorming and collaboration. 
  • Project management tools: The project management tools in our survey as a category were ranked more favorably by innovative organizations than engaged ones. Smartsheet, one of the lowest-ranked tools by engaged employees, surpassed Monday, Miro, and Wrike in this data splice.
Frameable 2024

Design A Remote-First Workplace

Organizations should prioritize their investments from a remote-first lens to maximize the benefits of any workplace technologies. 

Why? Dedicated online workspaces create a central hub for all company knowledge, regardless of whether employees work in an office part of the time. A well-built virtual workspace can foster workplace inclusivity and knowledge retention while enabling analytics and AI capabilities that empower workplace leaders to measure and optimize their team outputs.

If a workplace is built to prioritize the in-person experience, distributed workers will inevitably lack the resources and tools they need to embed in the company and support its mission effectively.  

Strategies to Empower Hybrid Teams

Workplace technologies are an integral part of an effective distributed team —but they are just one piece of what helps remote and hybrid workers thrive. 

To learn more about overcoming the potential challenges of distributed work and maximizing the opportunities with your remote or hybrid team, download the full Frameable Remote/Hybrid/Distributed Work Index today.

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The 5-Step Onboarding Plan Playbook to Go From New Hires to Raving Fans

First impressions leave a lasting mark on your employees. This is especially true when their entire experience with your company is virtual.

Employees onboarded prior to the pandemic report “significantly higher” satisfaction with their company than those onboarded virtually. In recent years, new hires have even quit before they started or shortly after their first day because of a disappointing—or nonexistent—onboarding experience.

So what are brands getting wrong? Too often, HR teams or supervisors improvise the new hire onboarding, which means employees get an inconsistent depth and quality of experience. In other cases, HR teams still use their in-person onboarding playbook, which fails to address issues vital for supporting hybrid and remote employees.  

To engage new hires, companies must reinvent their onboarding process to reflect the realities of virtual and hybrid work. Luckily, creating a fulfilling virtual onboarding is easier than you might think. Here’s how.

5 Steps For Building a Successful Virtual Onboarding Plan

An employee’s onboarding experience will set the tone for their future with your company, so you should plan each element with careful consideration. 

Follow these five steps to create a hybrid and remote employee onboarding process that makes a positive first impression and sets them up for ongoing success:

Step 1: Pre-boarding Activities

New hires will be eager to officially start their roles from the moment they sign the paperwork. Provide employees with pre-boarding activities and resources that help them become familiar with your company culture and values and begin to prepare for their work. 

Think through your employee’s experience from the moment you hire them: How will you welcome them to the team, and what questions will they have? A few essential things to provide include:

  • A series of welcome emails that share vital information and explain what the employee’s first day or week will look like
  • Company handbooks or resources that detail your company’s culture and procedures, as well as guidelines for effective written communication in virtual settings
  • Mailed swag packages with branded items, such as notebooks, laptop stickers, or apparel
  • A schedule of introductory meetings that will foster engagement 

Before your new hire starts, ensure that you plan to get them the tools and equipment they’ll need for virtual work. 

Step 2: Orientation and Training

Your pre-boarding activities should answer your employee’s initial questions and clearly explain what they should expect on their first day. Now, it’s time to plan their official orientation and training process.

  • Plan a Day 1 schedule and prepare assets that give an overview of the employee’s core responsibilities, team dynamics, and company processes. 
  • Use video conferencing tools to facilitate interactive sessions and connect the new hire with coworkers and company leadership. 
  • Provide hands-on training and help overcome technical hurdles. 
  • Establish clear guidelines for virtual communication etiquette, including response time expectations and office hours. 

Step 3: Job-Specific Training

It can be difficult for many people to adjust to a new hybrid or fully remote work environment. Onboarding is a perfect time to share remote work tips and job-specific advice for navigating your company’s virtual workplace.

For example, consider hosting online courses and webinars that explain key concepts or give a tutorial on your workplace tools. Provide training materials that cover the specific tools, software, and processes that will help them feel more productive and fulfilled in their work. Store all help documents and FAQs online so employees can access them whenever needed.

Step 4: Mentorship and Coaching

Mentorship and coaching programs provide ongoing support and guidance to remote employees. Pair experienced team members with new hires to help them understand their roles, navigate the team dynamics, and receive career guidance. Connect new hires with mentors during their first week, and encourage frequent check-ins during the first 90 days. Afterward, mentors and mentees should meet at least once monthly.

Step 5: Performance Feedback

Remote employees need performance feedback to understand how they can improve in their roles and progress to the next level. Schedule regular evaluations and check-ins to discuss each employee’s progress, address their challenges, and provide constructive feedback for continuous improvement. There are useful online feedback tools that can streamline this process.

Communication Makes Remote Onboarding Successful

New employees naturally feel anxious about joining a company and engaging primarily through text and video. Help alleviate potential negative feelings by fostering open and regular communication channels to invite questions and provide updates, clarifications, and guidance.

Carefully plan each step of your onboarding process, and continually refine your approach based on employee feedback and new insights you gain. Employees with an engaging onboarding experience can more quickly integrate into your culture and support a healthy workplace.

Of course, many other considerations go into conducting virtual employee onboarding. For a complete guide packed with tips and step-by-step instructions, download our virtual onboarding e-book.

Level-up your remote onboarding plan with our new ebook

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Future of work remote work

12 Podcasts That Have Their Fingers on the Pulse of Business Transformation

Keeping up with the latest trends and developments shaping today’s workplace can be daunting. Thankfully, podcasts have emerged as an excellent medium for staying informed about the latest in business transformation and the future of work. Since its inception, podcasting has experienced explosive growth, with a total of 464.7 million podcast listeners globally. In the United States, over one-third of the population reportedly listens to podcasts regularly, making them an ideal platform for conveying rich and informative content.

In this blog post, we’ve curated our picks for the top podcasts with their fingers on the pulse of business transformation and the future of work. These podcasts feature expert guests, insightful analysis, and captivating storytelling, creating a unique opportunity to learn from the industry’s most influential and innovative minds.


CXOTalk stands out from the crowd due to its exclusive focus on conversations with CXO-level business leaders from well-known brands and large companies across the globe. Hosted by Michael Krigsman, the show features conversations with C-level executives on various topics, including managing disruptive change, enterprise AI, and the digital economy. With a focus on highlighting the latest trends and strategies to help businesses succeed in today’s fast-paced environment, the show creates a warm, friendly atmosphere that puts guests at ease. 

What makes CXOTalk even more unique is its live format, which allows Twitter audiences to interact directly with guests and ask unfiltered questions. As a result, authenticity and fun are at the heart of every episode, two words not typically associated with the enterprise world.

Future of Work by Allwork.Space

The Future of Work podcast by Allwork.Space delves into the ever-changing landscape of work, featuring interviews with thought leaders and experts in technology, real estate, coworking, and entrepreneurship. As an industry veteran in the serviced office space industry, host Frank Cottle, the founder and CEO of Alliance Business Centers Network brings a wealth of experience to the table. With guests from industry leaders such as Google, Accenture, and FlexJobs, Cottle brings you unparalleled insights into how and why work is changing. The Future of Work podcast covers all the topics that matter in the modern workforce, from the rise of remote work to the importance of flexible workspaces.

Don’t want to sift through episodes to find what you’re looking for? Allwork. Space does the heavy lifting for you by listing bullet points of what you’ll learn from each episode on their website!

Great Leadership with Jacob Morgan

The Great Leadership podcast with Jacob Morgan is a good way to stay current on the latest trends and insights related to leadership, and also provides useful tips and advice from some of the most successful leaders and authors in the world. Host Jacob Morgan is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, professionally trained futurist, and best-selling author, focused on empowering individuals and organizations to become future-ready. 

The podcast centers around the stories from the world’s top CEOs, best-selling authors, and thinkers. The topics discussed on the podcast range from leadership styles and strategies, employee engagement, company culture, diversity and inclusion, and emerging technologies shaping the future of work. The podcast is an excellent resource for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills, build high-performing teams, and drive business growth.

Exponential View

The Exponential View podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, society, and business. Hosted by Azeem Azhar, an award-winning entrepreneur, analyst, and writer, the podcast offers a unique perspective on the impact of AI on our work and the world around us. Azeem’s ability to translate complex ideas and concepts into easily digestible insights and practical advice sets the Exponential View podcast apart. He engages his guests in thought-provoking conversations, asking probing questions and exploring the nuances and implications of the latest technological advances and trends.

The podcast is a great resource for anyone who wants to stay informed and ahead of the curve on the latest trends and developments in AI and its impact on society and business. Whether you are a tech enthusiast, a business leader, or just a curious listener, the Exponential View podcast is an inspiring listen.

Gartner ThinkCast

Gartner is a leading research and advisory firm that provides insights and advice to help organizations make informed decisions, and ThinkCast draws on this wealth of knowledge to offer listeners unique insights and perspectives on the latest trends and developments in their industries. Episodes frequently feature Gartner research and are focused on how to build a more successful organization, team, and career in the Digital Era. The podcast strikes a balance between being engaging and informative, providing listeners with valuable food for thought that they can apply in their organizations.

The varied content from thought leaders, business executives, and consultants, offers an exciting and diverse format to keep listeners engaged with each podcast. 

HBR Ideacast

HBR Ideacast is a weekly podcast hosted by Alison Beard and Curt Nickisch, two experienced and knowledgeable journalists who bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Together, Beard and Nickisch guide listeners through each episode of the HBR Ideacast with clarity and insight, asking thoughtful questions and facilitating in-depth conversations with guests. Their expertise in the business world makes them highly credible and knowledgeable hosts, providing listeners with actionable advice they can apply to their own careers and organizations. With a focus on the latest trends and developments in the business world, HBR Ideacast is a great way to hear from leading thinkers.

HBS Managing the Future of Work

The Managing the Future of Work podcast, produced by Harvard Business School, is a weekly podcast hosted by HBR professors Bill Kerr and Joe Fuller. Each episode features in-depth conversations about specific topics. Recent episodes have discussed gender equity, emerging business models, and AI. The podcast draws on the wealth of knowledge and expertise of Harvard Business School faculty and industry leaders, providing listeners with unique insights.

Hosted in a conversational and engaging style, the podcast is easy to follow and provides listeners with valuable takeaways to apply to their careers and organizations.

Humanising the Future of Work

Deloitte’s Humanising the Future of Work podcast series delves into the pressing questions surrounding the future of work and what it means for individuals and organizations. Hosted by Daniel Hind, a member of Deloitte’s Human Capital practice, each episode features discussions with Deloitte experts on how organizations can reimagine work in the face of disruption.

What sets the Humanising the Future of Work podcast apart is its focus on the human side of work. The conversations center on how organizations can create more compassionate, empathetic, and inclusive workplaces while still harnessing the power of technology and innovation. The podcast is ideal for anyone interested in understanding how the world of work is evolving, and how organizations can create more humane and sustainable workplaces that benefit both employees and businesses.

The New Way We Work

The New Way We Work podcast, hosted by Fast Company deputy editor Kate Davis, explores the dynamic and evolving nature of work and what it takes to create a better future for ourselves and our workplaces. Through insightful interviews with thought leaders and innovators, the show delves into various topics such as leadership, management, productivity, and the impact of technology on work. The show features unique and enticing episodes such as “5 Leadership lessons from Pop Culture’s Worst Bosses” and “Is it possible to have HR that employees don’t hate?” creating an engaging and thought-provoking listening experience for the audience.

The New Way We Work podcast also allows listeners to read expanded articles based on each episode on the Fast Company website, providing additional insights and information for those who want to dive deeper into the topics covered on the show.

Remotely Possible

Remotely Possible is brought to you by Frameable and is dedicated to exploring the future of work and how remote work and distributed teams are changing our lives. Frameable CEO and host Adam Riggs speaks with business leaders who’ve embraced remote work, the people building and selling technology to make remote collaboration as seamless as working in the office, and the workplace researchers and experts exploring how to create inspiring and inclusive workplaces.

Whether you’re a remote worker, a manager, or simply curious about the future of work, this podcast is for you. Join us as we navigate the exciting world of remote work and explore how we can shape the future of work together.

The Rework Podcast

The Rework podcast is all about improving the way you work and manage your business. Hosted by the co-founders 37signals, the team behind Basecamp, the popular project management app, the show explores a better way to work and run a successful business. The podcast delves into bootstrapping, staying small, and growing slowly, featuring stories from business owners who have embraced this approach. The show frequently features listener questions, taking a community-driven approach to sharing insights and advice. By going behind the scenes at 37signals and sharing real-world experiences and insights, this podcast offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to build a successful business without sacrificing their values or quality of life.

21st Century Work Life

The “21st Century Work Life” podcast, presented by Virtual not Distant, focuses on remote work and distributed organizations, providing insights into leading and managing remote teams and online collaboration. Founded in 2016, Virtual Not Distant is an organization that works with leaders, managers, and HR professionals to develop a more adaptable, future-focused, and connected workforce. They champion an “office-optional” approach to work, promoting the idea that strong ties can be forged between colleagues while working remotely.

Hosted by Pilar Orti and featuring a variety of guests and co-hosts, the podcast delves into the most pertinent themes and news related to the modern knowledge worker. In addition, the show offers practical tips and strategies for individuals and organizations navigating the challenges of remote work and offers insights into the benefits of distributed teams. Tune in for illuminating conversations that will help you navigate the changing landscape of work in the 21st century.

Explore the Future of Work

In a rapidly evolving world of work, staying informed and adapting to the latest trends and developments is crucial for success. These top podcasts provide a gateway to a wealth of knowledge, allowing you to tap into the minds of industry experts and gain valuable insights.

If you are a visionary, a disruptor, or a trailblazer in the realm of remote work and distributed teams, we invite you to apply to be a guest on our podcast, “Remotely Possible”. Share your expertise, ideas, and success stories as we explore how remote work changes lives and revolutionizes the workplace.

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Future of work remote work

A Manager’s Checklist of Opportunities to Build Meaningful Connections in Virtual Offices

Building a healthy and collaborative workplace culture requires a consistent strategy, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Employees who feel connected to their company’s culture are much more likely to thrive and stay. And those happy employees can even be up to 20% more productive than those who are dissatisfied. The key is to help employees build genuine relationships with their peers to foster healthy communication and overcome potential conflict—and that’s easier said than done.

Managers play a major role in building connections in virtual offices and reinforcing the company culture. For those who may be new to managing virtual teams, it can be challenging to know where to focus your effort to drive the best results. Let’s explore the main opportunities for managers to connect employees, regardless of where they are based.

5 Ways to Connect Employees Across Your Distributed Workforce 

To perform their best, virtual and hybrid workers need a clear understanding of their “purpose at every level.” This means that everyone—from your entry-level employees to executive leadership—should feel confident that they are working toward your mission with purpose.

Rallying virtual employees behind your company mission requires a different approach for each level, and relationships will make or break your experience. Implement these strategies for building relationships in virtual teams to strengthen your culture:

  • Prioritize Your Virtual Onboarding: Your company needs to make a solid first impression on all new employees. To do so, create a virtual onboarding plan that provides a smooth transition into your company and clearly explains how new hires can succeed as part of your distributed team. Onboarding is also the ideal time to get to know new hires and encourage them to share their outside-of-work interests and previous work accomplishments. Not only does this help new hires start building their own internal network, but it also gives leaders more insight to connect employees based on their commonalities and shared hobbies. 
  • Establish Mentorship Programs: Pairing early career professionals with mid and senior-level employees can be incredibly effective for building relationships and breaking down potential cultural barriers. New employees can more quickly learn about your company’s culture and understand their potential career progression with guidance from their mentor, and both the mentor and mentee will benefit from the new relationship. 
  • Create Space for Non-Work Conversations: In the physical office, a company’s water cooler or kitchen was a hub for quick conversations and friendly banter. Likewise, virtual workspaces should also offer places for employees to chat about matters not related to work. Consider creating dedicated channels in your communication tools for employees to talk about personal hobbies and interests, and offer open networking rooms where employees can catch up throughout the work day.  
  • Start Meetings With an Icebreaker: Team meetings are a key opportunity to check in with employees. At the start or end of your meetings, host a quick conversation where everyone can share something about their week or personal life or recognize each other for their accomplishments. Taking a few minutes from each meeting to focus solely on your employees as humans can spark connections and help them build and find commonalities. 
  • Live By Your Values: When implementing the above strategies, your team needs to live the values you are trying to nurture. Encourage managers to dedicate time each week to actively work on building relationships within their team, and openly discuss the challenges that people are facing. 

Start to Build Employee Connections on Day One

There are challenges—and distinct advantages—to building genuine connections in fully remote, distributed, and hybrid teams. Try out a few different tactics, and find out what works best for you and your team. But ask for ongoing feedback and be open to adapting as your team grows and develops. 

One of the most important times to help an employee embed themselves into your culture is during their new hire onboarding. The onboarding process presents many key opportunities to connect employees and establish a healthy foundation that will help them overcome any challenges they face in your virtual workspace.

To bring a new-found sense of community to your virtual or distributed team, add Spaces to Microsoft Teams and see what a virtual office can do for your team’s productivity.

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