AI Future of work

8 Exciting CIO Conferences to Attend in 2024

If you are searching for your next CIO-focused conference to attend, finding the right balance between topics, size, and who is in attendance can be challenging. We’ve gathered a list of the top CIO conferences for the latter half of 2024, saving you time and effort. Whether your team wants to join an intimate event with focused conversations or a large-scale conference with attendees from around the world, we’ve gathered eight conferences and series you will want to check out.

CIO New York Summit

This one-day event is perfect for those with a busy schedule who still want to connect. While this event is coming up quickly, it is only held annually, so mark your calendars for next year as well.

When and where is the event?

The CIO New York Summit will be held on June 20, 2024, in New York City.

Who should attend?

This summit is designed for senior IT executives, including CIOs and IT directors from large enterprises and mid-market organizations.

What topics will be covered?

The summit will cover cloud computing, digital transformation, data and analytics, AI, IoT, cybersecurity, and strategic IT alignment. The event features keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities to address industry trends and challenges, followed by an evening networking reception.

FutureIT Events

CIO magazine hosts a variety of in-person and virtual events geared toward IT leadership to help grow your business and goals.

When are they hosting events?

The Future IT series includes single-day events across the United States and Canada.

  • New York, NY – July 11, 2024 at Convene
  • Toronto, CA – September 2024 (details TBA)
  • Dallas, TX – October 8, 2024 at AT&T Stadium
  • New York, NY – November 21, 2024 at Convene

Who should attend?

Managers, directors, VPs, CIOs, and CISOs working with emerging technologies like AI and cloud computing or other senior or director-level IT professionals. Many of these events are invite-only, so we recommend reaching out to the organizers directly for more information on attending an event near you.

What topics will be covered?

Attending a Future IT event will provide you or your leadership team with insights into new solutions for cloud, security, and collaboration tools, along with practical case studies from successful IT leaders. You’ll also hear from leaders about how to overcome common challenges and pain points in your team’s digital transformation journey.

CIO SoCal Summit

The CIO SoCal Summit is a one-day event for technology and cybersecurity executives. The event offers a platform for CIOs to share their insights on digital transformation, cybersecurity, and strategic IT alignment. 

When and where is the event?

The CIO SoCal Summit will be held on July 30, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa in Huntington Beach, California.

Who should attend?

Attendance is generally comprised of CIOs, CTOs, IT directors, and other Senior IT Professionals, Information Systems directors and managers, and Legal, Compliance, and Quality directors and managers.

What topics will be covered?

The CIO SoCal Summit features keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, facilitating networking and collaboration. The theme this year is: Create a Game-Changing IT Strategy to Accelerate Your Business. It emphasizes the critical role of CIOs in driving digital strategies and safeguarding digital assets, covering topics like risk management, compliance, data privacy, and proactive defense mechanisms.

CIO100 Symposium & Awards

Foundry’s Leadership Events and Awards bring together top CIOs, CSOs, and CISOs to share insights and success stories. At the CIO 100 Symposium & Awards, the nation’s top CIOs and industry experts will share their success stories and unique perspectives on strategy, digital leadership, and business growth. The event celebrates IT excellence with sessions on leadership, innovation, AI, and cybersecurity. Attendees can network, learn from top CIOs, and explore award-winning projects and strategies for overcoming enterprise IT challenges.

When and where is the event?

The CIO 100 Symposium & Awards will be held on August 5-7, 2024, at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, 

Who should attend?

Managers, directors, VPs, CIOs, CISOs, and other leaders and change-makers working in the IT field. Registration is currently open for IT executives of organizations with more than 500 employees.

What topics will be covered?

The keynote presentation will be delivered by Dr. Poppy Crum, a renowned futurist, neuroscientist, and technologist who explores the intersection of technology and human evolution. As an adjunct professor at Stanford University, she leads research on robotics, AI, augmented reality, and sensor fusion to transform industries impacting daily life sustainably. Formerly she was the Chief Scientist at Dolby Laboratories, where she developed technologies that leverage human physiology and behavior to enhance interaction with the world through immersive tech and personalized data.

Along with additional networking opportunities, some of the topics to be covered will include:

  • Data management and governance
  • Reducing technical debt to increase innovation
  • Cost optimization for cloud scaling and AI
  • Scaling AI for new business models
  • Aligning cybersecurity strategies with business imperatives
  • Breakthrough team performance

Digital Enterprise Transformation Assembly

When and where is the event?

The Digital Enterprise Transformation Assembly will be held on August 22-23, 2024 at The Omni Barton Creek in Austin, Texas.

Who should attend?

The Digital Enterprise Transformation Assembly is designed for global and enterprise CIOs and senior IT executives looking to connect with peers to discuss industry trends and challenges.

What topics will be covered?

Key topics include digital transformation, big data, AI, economic strategies for CIOs, cloud value, data governance, cybersecurity, and strategic IT alignment.

While the agenda is currently reserved only for those registered, some of the speakers listed include executives from Salesforce, Zoom, American Airlines, The Estee Lauder Companies, Mondelez International, Cleveland Clinic, and Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Global CIO Executive Summit

When and where is the event?

The Global CIO Executive Summit will be held from September 18-20, 2024, at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar in San Diego, California.

Who should attend?

This regional summit is a smaller-scale, intimate event with generally under 150 people in attendance. This is an ideal space for C-level executives to connect and grow their already global business. This invite-only event guarantees that you are surrounded by industry leaders in your region who are looking to connect and grow their businesses.

What topics will be covered?

The Global CIO Executive Summit will feature interactive keynote sessions with IT leaders, group networking opportunities, and personally-matched one-on-one meetings.  

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo

The Gartner IT Symposiums are one of the most attended IT yearly events by IT and technology leaders. Hosted by Gartner, one of the most recognizable names in the technology space, consistently delivers a high-quality experience for leaders across the industry.

When and where is the event?

The Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo will be held on October 21-24,2024 in Orlando, Florida.

Who should attend?

This conference is ideal for CIOs, CISOs, Chief data and chief analytics officers, VPs of IT infrastructure and operations, and Senior application leaders.

What to expect

This year features a great line-up of speakers including Jensen Huang, Founder and CEO of Nvidia.

The following topics are also set to be on the agenda across the conference:

  • Artificial intelligence and its impact on software, talent, and governance.
  • Emerging technologies, tech innovations, and their enterprise impact.
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital and business transformation
  • Continuous change leadership and developing a forward-thinking culture.
  • Strategic planning and execution including strategies for growth and business optimization.

AWS re:Invent

The AWS re:Invent conference is the place to be if you are an organization that relies on AWS systems in any way. 

When and where is it?

AWS re:Invent will be held on December 2-6, 2024, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Who should attend? 

The event is ideal for developers, engineers, system architects, IT executives, and anyone interested in or who employs AWS and cloud computing services.

There are a variety of conference tracks available to suit the needs and interests of a variety of attendees, making it a great conference for a larger group to attend.

What topics will be covered? 

Topics include AI, machine learning, security, cloud architecture, and over 2,500 technical sessions. The event also features keynotes, training, certifications, and networking opportunities with AWS experts.

Cost to attend:

Full conference passes start at $2,099.

Looking Ahead

The future of work is in the hands of CIOs around the world as we continue to understand and consider how AI and new technologies will shape our lives and the way we do business. If your team is built on the belief that being forward-thinking and preparing for the future is one of the best steps to growth and impact, these conferences will surely set you up for success and keep you in good company. If you’re looking for other conferences to attend this year, explore our round-up of top Future of Work conferences also happening this year.

As you continue your digital transformation journeys, prepare for the future of work with Frameable, the platform transforming the future of remote and distributed work. 

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AI productivity

How Incorporating AI Tools Can Reduce Cognitive Load in Your Team

At this very moment, you’ve likely had or overheard many different discussions about using AI (artificial intelligence) in the workplace or your everyday life. Organizations everywhere are looking to find the best and fastest ways to drive innovation and digital transformation using one or more of the exciting AI technologies entering the market every day. As a team that works to develop tools to improve remote and distributed work, we’ve conducted a variety of research on what tools, best practices, and gaps exist for knowledge workers. Our inaugural research report for 2024 revealed that a majority of knowledge workers feel overwhelmed by the number of different tools they have to use on any given day to complete their jobs. Research confirms that frequent context switching significantly hampers productivity, prompting leaders to find effective solutions to reduce the cognitive load on their teams. The time-saving benefits could open up even more time for knowledge workers to spend a greater portion of their day in deep thought or focus. This is a huge win for organizations looking to stay on the cutting edge of their industry. With this in mind, we started developing our latest tool, the Overview AI Assistant, to help relieve some of this burden and constant context-switching.

Enhancing Decision-Making with AI

LLMs (Large Language Models), the core of how we think of many AI tools today, are deep learning algorithms that can recognize, summarize, translate, predict, and generate content by using very large datasets. Generative AI, a type of LLM, is often used to create images, videos, and text, but it can also facilitate the comprehension of large amounts of data. With data analysis in record time, AI can quickly provide insights and recommendations, streamlining the decision-making process. In the context of Frameable’s Overview, the AI can analyze the content of connected Microsoft Outlook calendars alongside Teams chats, channels, and files, reduce time spent on administrative tasks, and suggest actionable insights. By improving the speed of everyday tasks, AI rapidly facilitates a more productive workday and enables workers to make better decisions, faster.

It’s important to keep in mind that AI in the workplace is an aid, not a substitute, for human potential and oversight. All currently available AI tools have their limitations, and there remains a clear demarcation between tasks AI can correctly complete and those it cannot. It must be consistently reiterated that employees will still need to validate and employ their own “cognitive effort” to ensure their AI-generated outcomes are valuable and accurate. But, knowing where that line lies, and where that line lies in regards to organizational goals and specific tasks, will be crucial for successfully using AI to enhance or speed up decision-making processes. Instead of concentrating on tasks and processes that AI cannot automate, it’s often more beneficial for companies and their staff to concentrate on processes that can be accelerated with AI assistance, such as generating a first draft or summarizing long documents. Only your team will understand all of the intricacies surrounding your goals. Letting AI speed up summarization and surfacing the right content frees up more time for in-depth conversations and tasks that cannot be outsourced to an AI assistant. However, this type of implementation will only improve outcomes if it is paired with clear training and an understanding of where employees need to break from using AI and conduct analysis themselves since many AI-generated answers and suggestions can appear, on a surface level, to be correct, this step in training is necessary to prevent employees from simply “turning off their brains”.

While this may seem like a reason to stray away from implementing an AI tool, a recent research report from McKinsey found that knowledge workers spend up to 19% of their week, or nearly 8 hours in a standard 40-hour work week, searching for and gathering information. Information retrieval is something that a lot of us spend a great deal of time doing when a machine can often do the same work quickly and more efficiently. Imagine freeing up an extra 8 hours every week!

How to Know if an AI Tool is Right for Your Team

The first step in deciding whether to integrate an AI tool into your organization involves analyzing your existing tools and surveying your team to identify any gaps, frustrations, or underutilized features in your tech stack. From there, you’ll want to research different, tools, trends, and strategies to understand where your goals align with the possibilities various AI tools offer. 

If you’re ready to improve how your remote or distributed team can leverage AI within Microsoft Teams, it’s time to explore Overview by Frameable. In our latest update, we introduced our Overview AI Assistant, built to be easier, more accurate, and more efficient to use than Copilot for Microsoft Teams.

To learn more, download our latest white paper covering the latest research, best practices, and insights on implementing AI in your organization.

Explore the latest research and insights for blending AI into your collaboration efforts in our latest white paper

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AI Microsoft Teams productivity

Frameable’s New AI Assistant for Microsoft Teams Tops Copilot So Far

As an independent software vendor working to improve the end-user experience in Microsoft Teams, Copilot’s public release had us on the edge of our seats. Yet, so far, we’ve been disappointed.  We aren’t the only ones

Continued tool explosion has many knowledge workers feeling overwhelmed with the sheer number of tools they need to do their jobs.  That’s why having a useful, accurate, and well-integrated AI tool that enhances personal productivity from within Teams is a worthy goal.

With all this in mind, we set out to develop an AI resource that delivers the context and accurate answers we need throughout the day, increasing our overall thru-put from inside of Teams. We succeeded, and now we’re releasing it to the public:  announcing AI Assistant for Teams from Frameable.

After permissions are in place, Frameable’s AI Assistant accesses 1:1 chats, group chats, meeting chats, channels the user is a member of, transcripts of recorded meetings they were invited to, and several other data sources.  The assistant references and weighs all these sources to provide private, fast, and comprehensive answers to key questions (prompts) asked by a user throughout the workday.
Ready to explore AI within Teams?  See how Frameable’s new AI Assistant compares to Copilot in our latest video comparison, and then explore Frameable’s full suite of apps designed and built specifically to enhance productivity and collaboration in Microsoft Teams.

Explore Frameable AI Assistant for Microsoft Teams

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AI Future of work

9 Future of Work Conferences to Attend in 2024

The past year has been hugely transformative both for the future of work itself and the technology and trends surrounding it. Attending conferences on the future of work can be a valuable investment to meet talented leaders, identify innovative solutions, and in some cases, even showcase your own! There are so many incredible conferences happening in 2024, we’ve identified 9 of the top conferences you won’t want to miss this year.

IDC Future of Work & AI Summit 

March 11-13, 2024 in St Albans, United Kingdom

International Data Corporation (IDC) is a global provider of analysis and insights, helping professionals take a data-driven approach to selecting technologies and formulating business plans. The conference aims to provide attendees with industry insights, recommendations, and valuable experiences from speakers, complete with networking opportunities. The main topics set for this year include creating a secure and sustainable flexible workplace, designing a Human-First Work model, and leveraging Purposeful Automation. Keynotes and workshops will cover enabling a human-first future of work, maximizing human potential with inclusive and sustainable workplace design, reimagining the future of work with hybrid models, assessing the IT skills gap, and the magic of low-code tools.

Gartner Digital Workplace Summit

18-19 March 2024 in Grapevine, Texas

10-11 June 2024 in London, U.K.

27-28 August 2024 in Tokyo, Japan

The Gartner Digital Workplace Summit focuses on two digital workplace trends: distributing work and enhancing the digital employee experience. The conference provides an ideal mix of insights and research-based talks to allow participants to better understand these topics and find strategies to improve their outcomes and is ideal for digital workplace leaders, architects, IT leadership, application leaders, I&O leaders, and other technical professionals.

Attendees have the option to choose from five different tracks:

  1. Lead by Collaborating
  2. Harness Advanced Technology
  3. Modernize Infrastructure and Operation
  4. Create Engaging Digital Employee Experiences
  5. Prepare for the Future of Work

If you are an IT executive or digital workplace leader, this conference is for you! With three locations and multiple tracks to choose from, this summit will allow attendees to join peers to build their network, learn, and meet experts in the digital workplace.

WSJ Future of Everything

May 21-23, 2024 in NYC

Each year, the newsroom at the Wall Street Journal identifies who and what is changing the future to compile their Future of Everything conference. While the conference isn’t solely focused on the future of work, given the influx of news on the topic, there are dedicated sections for both technology and work. 

This year, hear from featured speakers like Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, Chuck Robbins CEO of Cisco Systems, or Kathryn McLay President and CEO of Walmart International along with so many others across industries.

With a broader focus than other conferences listed, attendees will be able to receive a birds-eye view of, quite literally, the future of everything. 

Future of Work USA

June 3-4, 2024 in New York, NY

The Future of Work USA event was launched in 2019 to focus on the latest trends and strategies surrounding senior executives. With a smaller focus on tech, the Future of Work conference is perfect for those within the HR, communication, or employee experience realm of business. The Future of Work conference series takes place around the globe offering a unique opportunity to gain insights into the latest trends, strategies, and technologies shaping the future of work. It’s an ideal platform for networking with other industry leaders, sharing knowledge, and discovering innovative solutions to drive organizational success.

This year’s agenda includes topics like RTO, implementing generative AI across multiple channels, improving employee engagement and experience, and how to create content to engage and retain your employees and audience. 

If you’re considering even a few things mentioned above in the coming year, this is a great time to hear from leaders of some of the world’s best and biggest companies.

Gallup Future of Work Summit

June 3-5, 2024 in Omaha, NE

The Gallup at Work Summit offers a range of opportunities for learning and development, open to individuals across various industries seeking personal or professional growth. It provides accreditation opportunities (HRCI, SHRM, ICF credits) and does not require attendees to be Gallup-Certified Strengths Coaches or to have taken the CliftonStrengths assessment. 

While the agenda and speaker list for this year have yet to be released, the Gallup Summit does offer promotions for organizations sending multiple attendees. Both virtual and in-person attendance options are available for the 2024 summit so attending can fit into any budget.

SHRM Annual 2024 

June 23-26, 2024 in Chicago, IL

SHRM is a leading voice in the HR professional community and continues to shape how employers and employees work together. At the SHRM annual HR conference this year, attendees will learn from and engage with HR pioneers and tech innovators who are transforming the world of work. Topics include workplace innovation, future-ready HR, disruptive technologies, ethical AI, and more.

This conference will provide learnings, networking opportunities, and outcome-focused practices and solutions for professionals looking to expand their HR tech knowledge and stay ahead of the curve. 


June 24 – 26, 2024 in Dallas, TX

Formally known as Future Offices, the WorkX Conference brings together all things related to work experience. The 2024 conference will explore workplace flexibility trends, explore the human-centric approaches to the future of work, and discuss how AI will be incorporated into our future goals. With workshops, panels, networking, and more, this conference is sure to be at the top of many lists this year!

If you are looking for a multi-track conference opportunity with options to attend on each coast, this could be a great choice for you!

Transform 2024

July 10-11, 2024 in San Francisco, CA

AI is the talk of the town across every industry this year and Transform is where you can hear from focuses on practical AI implementation in enterprises. Previous speakers include top executives from companies like OpenAI, Google, and Meta, and this year is sure to be just as exciting. 

The event promises networking opportunities, insights into generative AI’s impact on business operations, innovation, and competition, and will explore the ethical, governance, security, and reliability challenges. The Transform 2024 conference is perfect for director-level and above executives eager to participate in the generative AI movement and all it has to offer for the future of work. 

Forbes Future Of Work Summit

September 12, 2024 in NYC

The Forbes Future of Work Summit hosted both in-person and virtually, centers around how to manage an increasingly distributed workforce, offering solutions for a more sustainable, profitable, and inclusive way of working.

Recently, Forbes has begun to highlight executives, organizations, and thought leaders shaping the office of tomorrow in an annual Forbes Future of Work 50 list. Expect some of these top contributors to be involved in this year’s summit.

While the agenda and speakers have not yet been announced for the 2024 summit, interested attendees can take a look at the 2023 agenda, speakers, and sponsors to get a better idea of the conference offerings and key findings.

The Future of Software in the Modern Workplace

Preparing for the future of work should be a part of every leader’s playbook. While attending conferences is just one of the ways to stay ahead of the competition, preparing your team with best-in-class resources and technology is just as crucial for wider team success. If you’re ready to take the leap and elevate your experience with Microsoft Teams, it’s time to explore Frameable.

Explore how Frameable is shaping the Future of Work for Microsoft users

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AI Future of work

Analyzing NVIDIA’s Q4 Earnings Report for the Future of Work

If you’ve kept up with the news over the past few days, you’re likely to have come across news of Nvidia’s record-breaking Q4 revenue report touting a 265% increase from a year ago.

Nvidia is quickly becoming a household name as the AI boom continues, specializing in making chips that power various platforms like Google Gemini, ChatGPT, and games and cars.

Generative AI is also quickly becoming the hottest topic surrounding the future of the world and the future of work. According to Nvidia CEO Jason Hwang, the demand for GenAI tools is rapidly increasing across different industries and even entire nations. Marking a tipping point in the AI market, contrary to previous reports that suggested we had already reached its peak. 

How GenAI is Already Shaping the Future of Work

As we’ve already seen over the past few years, AI has come a long way from what seemed like a pipe dream to quickly become one of the most useful tools for speeding up the repetitive tasks that take up a lot of time for knowledge workers.

According to research from LinkedIn published toward the end of 2023, more than 74% of US-based executives believe that Generative AI will help their employees. Overall, senior executives up to the C-suite are “mostly optimistic that the technology will provide productivity and revenue-enhancing benefits, even if it’s unclear how”, with 51% stating they are excited about using AI and 47% believing it will improve productivity. 

Human Implications of AI on the Future of Work

Most interestingly, many of the conversations around AI in the workplace started from a place of fear regarding potential job loss. But what has been most promising is that regardless of the changes in how smaller tasks get accomplished, more than 92% of leaders still believe that soft skills are more important than ever, according to the same LinkedIn Future of Work Report

Furthermore, McKinsey’s 2023 report on Generative AI and the Future of Work supports the long-held belief that technological innovation will spur economic and employment growth across sectors and the global economy. By 2030, up to 30% of all current work hours could be automated, according to their research. While this initially may cause some to harken back to the conversation surrounding job stability, the greater trend appears to be that more tedious or time-consuming tasks can be automated while those doing the work are freed up to work on more complicated or strategic tasks. 

The key to generative AI is there in its name: generative. It can consume huge swaths of information and create new pieces of content, but when it comes to original ideas, it is still us humans who hold the keys to true creativity and innovation. 

How You Can Jumpstart Your AI Journey

Most knowledge workers will tell you that there isn’t enough uninterrupted focus time in their work day. Microsoft’s latest Work Trends report backs this up further revealing that 68% of workers feel this way, burdened by how much time they spend in meetings, email, and on other forms of communicating. The potential to use AI to lessen this burden is one of the most exciting outcomes for many knowledge workers: “Employees are more eager for AI to lift the weight of work than they are afraid of job loss to AI”, according to the same Microsoft report.

There are a variety of tools already available to help lessen these burdens. AI meeting note-takers like Fireflies can make it easier for employees to decline invitations to big meetings in favor of focusing on other work if they do not need to be active participants. Reading the AI-generated summary during a designated time to catch up on communications means employees can have more control of their workday and dedicate more of their workday to deep focus. 

In a similar vein, Microsoft users can now employ Copilot to help them across the Microsoft Office suite with similar tasks that lessen the mental burden on the employees themselves. In Outlook this could mean having Copilot create a first draft of a lengthy email or summarize long threads. What’s exciting is never having to start from zero if you don’t want to!

For roles that require creativity, such as marketing or content creation, Copilot can suggest ideas, create drafts, or even generate entire articles, presentations, and marketing materials that aid in brainstorming and accelerate the creative process. The use cases for generative AI are endless if you know how to use it, so adopt it as a supportive tool to boost productivity.

The sheer number of future AI trends we can expect to see keeps growing, and Nvidia and Microsoft’s AI technology is sure to remain a pivotal part of these conversations as many more organizations continue to adopt AI at scale. 

To stay competitive, organizations should adopt both generative AI tools and productivity tools to streamline knowledge-worker workflows. Several excellent tools like Frameable Core can enhance daily collaboration and communication in Microsoft Teams for your workforce. By leveraging the power of next-level collaboration, you can accelerate the growth of your organization. 

Make the Future of Work work for you with Frameable

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